Esto me suena a chino. It’s a matter of understanding. If we travel around the world, we expect more than just drinking a Martini and strolling along endless sandy beaches. …

Inaugurated in November 2017, this new place promises to be the epicenter of the architecture in Portugal. The House of Architecture occupies 4560 sqm of the 9100 sqm Real Vinícola …

We’re confident that, when the engineer and writer Ezequiel de Campos struggled to buy land for a public park in Oporto around 1916 to 1918, he wasn’t thinking of creating …

It’s hardly breaking news that we live in a globalized world. Nevertheless, it’s always worth experiencing the richness of a cultural melting pot and here’s the opportunity to mix it …

The newest architectural attraction in Lisbon and main destination for architectural tours in the Portuguese capital is MAAT – Art, Architecture and Technology Museum – and results from the expansion …