Lausanne is a city on a slope with a panoramic view of Lake Geneva and the Alps. From the shores to the forests of the Jorat, the difference in altitude exceeds 500 meters. Built around three hills, it has not one but several centers and is constantly expanding westwards.

As the Olympic capital and home to numerous sports federations and multinational companies, Lausanne is a city open to the world. It is a member of various international networks and has received awards for its social and environmental policy. Let us show you this incredible city!
Atours_lakegeneva organizes tours focussing on architecture and urbanism in the French-speaking Switzerland, the country's fastest growing zone. We offer ready-to-book tours in Geneva and Lausanne, but also develop customized programs according to your wishes. All the tours are guided by expert local architects.

Our team speaks French, English, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.

Berta Urgel
Berta Urgel
Architecture Tours in Lausanne
Chemin de Pierreval 17
1007 Lausanne

+41 789123823

Lausanne team

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