Burning issues: climate change, resilience, mobility, fossil free society

Welcome to the City of Green!

Copenhagen and the Øresund Region including Malmoe is a world leading dual destination for sustainable solutions. Master planning, architecture and design carried out in a holistic manner offers extraordinary buildings and urban fabrics. Burning issues of today like smart city, life quality, green mobility, climate adaption and fossil free society – are practised through full blown creativity towards a fossil-free society. We will be happy to guide you through a leading design city of the Continent.
Scaledenmark develops customized group excursions to architecture and urbanism. We also organize transport and restaurant or café reservations. All tours are guided by competent architects living in the Copenhagen Region. Please contact us for a program itinerary.

Guided tours available in German, English, Danish and French.

Tours de arquitectura en Copenhague
Bryghuspladsen 8

DK – 1473 Copenhagen K
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