Welcome to the City of Green!

The Øresund Region, including Copenhagen and Malmö, is a world leading destination for sustainable solutions. Master planning, architecture and design carried out in a holistic manner offers extraordinary buildings and urban fabrics. Burning issues of today – such as smart city, life quality, green mobility and climate adaption – are practiced through full-blown creativity. Copenhagen, with its ambition to become the first CO2-neutral capital in Europe, continues to be the leading design city of the continent.
Scaledenmark develops customized group excursions to architecture and urbanism. We also organize transport and restaurant or café reservations. All tours are guided by competent architects living in the Copenhagen - Malmö Region. Please contact us for a program itinerary.

Guided tours available in German, English, Scandinavian, Dutch, Spanish and French.

Bo Christiansen
Bo Christiansen
Architecture Tours in Copenhagen
Bryghuspladsen 8

DK – 1473 Copenhagen K

Happy Clients

Perfectly organized, informative and very interesting.
Marcin G - Zurich
We really enjoyed our tour and learned a lot, Vincent was very service minded and knowledgeable.
Lilly K - Götenborg
Great job by Bo - from preparation to fulfilment. Profound explanations as well as personal insights.
Jörn M - Bremen
"It was a pleasure having Bo as our guide. Very knowledgeable, easy going and with a great sense of humor he added the little extra to our trip special. In addition to a great program he took the bus on little improvised detours to architectural landmarks along our route making sure we got an even better experience and fuller picture of the region."
Hammer H. - Oslo
"Bo Christiansen is passionate about architecture, and a pedagogic master. His tour was rewarding indeed! I also had a casual chat with him during lunch, about something completely trivial. He is a socially intelligent guide."
Erlend K.-J. - Gottlieb Paludan Architects - Copenhagen
"Bo was articulate, energetic and informative. Our participants found his sharing very useful, especially the mental models behind why and how the places he brought us were designed and built. We had a wonderful time of learning and he received great evaluations. Thank you Bo for your time and energy."
Christina L. - Civil Service College - Singapore
Copenhagen team

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